Well, I am for sure nervous about this. No doubt about it. Blogging is scary. This is my first "official" blog. Not gonna lie, I definitely have made a first blog before, maybe like two or three first blogs before this one. Problem is I would get done writing and start to read over my blog... deleted! This is harder than it looks guys, so bare with me here.
Welcome to my blog! I say "my" blog but really, its not "my" blog. It's "our" blog.
So who are "we?"
Meet Marisa and Nathan. Together, we are Imagen Photography.
Marisa and I, well, we're kind of best friends. Its actually super creepy just how much the two of us have in common. It's almost like we're the same person sometimes. C.S. Lewis once said, "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:'What! You, too? Thought I was the only one.'"
That has essentially been the gist of our friendship thus far and it has just been awesome! Now, we are no longer only best friends, but business partners as well. I can honestly say I have been truly blessed to find someone as amazing as my Marisa; to not only share my business with, but also my blog.
Hopefully if you decide to subscribe to our blog, you will get to know Marisa and I a little bit better every week. We plan on posting as often as interesting things happen to/around us. One of the things Marisa and I have in common is a love for photography and it's that passion that has driven us to start this business. Our goal for this blog, is not to get on here and type long paragraphs about our day, or week, or month. But instead, our goal is to give you just a glimpse, through our images, of our lives and the lives of those around us. So please enjoy, and come back soon!