This is my brother from another mother, Daniel... Dan is one of the funniest guys I know. We don't get to spend too much time together, but it's always a good time when Dan is around. This guy will give you a run for your money in Boggle and he holds his own in HORSE on his home court... That's my bro Dan.

Next is my sister from another mister, Emily...and of course... her baby-daddy/husband, Paul. Emily is 26 weeks pregnant and due the first week in November!! They already have their daughters name picked out... it's Anabel.. with 1 L and 1 E, get it right.

Paul is a professional Rock Star drummer. Okay, not really. But he could be. He plays on expert. It's pretty sick.
Emily, she's a whiz kid that will dominate you in just about any board game. Especially one's that involve acting and charades. Her and Paul are pretty dang good.

This is Paul combining his talents to act out the clue Rock Star in Charades... I told you he was good!

Next is my big sis, Sarah. I don't think she will like this picture too much so I put up a second to show you guys just how beautiful she really is! Sarah has son, my nephew Xavier... the frickin' cutest kid ever... Sarah has done a wonderful job raising her son into the little man he has become at age 6. I am very proud of both of them and I love them both very much! Marisa is photographing Xavier tomorrow so I will wait till then to post him!

Then you have my not-so-little, little bro Matthew. Actually he is huge! He's like 6'7. Don't let him fool you though, he is a big softy. To be honest, I can still whoop-up on him when I have to... Matthew is finishing up college at BG. When he finishes up he will officially be the first Migal to earn a college degree! Go Matt! Matt also has a ridiculous fast ball. Last year he played the Fast Pitch game at the Indian's Home Opener. He threw 89 mph, and no one has beat it since. This is Matthew.

Here is my Mom, Terry. Terry is a great Mom. She makes a mean meatloaf, the best fudge ever, and knows how to fold your clothes just right so they are never wrinkled! She is pretty good at Scrabble, but you have to watch her... she always tries to make up her own words! Love you Mom!

And here is John, my step-father. John is a true outdoorsman. Recently John has taken up a new hobby... He has been treasure hunting with the metal-detector he got for Christmas. He actually has a whole collection of treasures he has found... including some nuts and bolts, some scrap metal, and a door knob. Its pretty exciting stuff! Here's John.

So that's 1/2 of my family! At the next holiday I will get some photos of my Dad's side... Until then, here is my Dad, Rick.
My dad is a pretty tall guy himself.. although my brother and I have both passed him up! He loves golf, tennis, fishing, and Chicago food. For some reason when I think about my dad, I am reminded of the movie "What About Bob?" Its a great movie and I can remember growing up, we watched that movie almost every time I saw him. We would sit around wondering what we should do next until someone would say... "What About Bob?" How could you turn it down? So, here is my dad. Love you dad.