One of the things I love most about my job as a wedding photojournalist is getting to know my clients. Every couple is so unique, they all have such exciting stories of how they first met, or how he asked her out.... I love hearing these stories, because then on their wedding day I feel like I can truly connect with each couple.
Once I have the opportunity to get to know the couple, I am no longer just an awkward guy with a camera taking pictures of complete strangers. Instead, there is a certain level of comfort, trust. They know me and I know them. This relationship, for me at least, gives the pictures a whole new meaning. Think about it... we see pictures all the time in magazines, or online of couples that we don't know, total strangers. We don't even look twice at these pictures unless we have some sort of history relationship with the people in it. It's so important to me to really get to know the couples I shoot.
Matt and Gina were such an awesome couple to get to know. We did their engagement photos just a few days before their wedding and afterwards we all went out and got some Mexican food. I love Mexican restaurants, I mean, it doesn't get much better than free chips and salsa! That night Marisa and I walked away from there feeling like we just made two new friends!(if only they didn't live in Florida)
We had such a great time on their wedding day and their pictures came out awesome. Take a look at their pictures in this slideshow I made for them. What a great couple!
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